Metrology laboratory
Calibration laboratory
The Laboratory was set up as a result of development of the Measurement and Regulation Equipment Maintenance Unit and its market-oriented policy. Use of up-to-date measuring devices and wide use of calibrating devices in the work process in parallel with the increased requirements for the production process optimization resulted in setting up the Laboratory. The Laboratory was set up in 1992 and two years later it was registered by a decision of the Federal Institute of Measures and Precious Metals as an accredited laboratory for the control of pressure measuring devices (own and third party measuring devices) in accordance with the then effective Act on measures and units of measurement.
The Laboratory continued to extend its activities, and in 2000, by an interim decision of YUAT (Yugoslav Accreditation Body) it obtained accreditation for the control of pressure measuring devices in accordance with standard ISO/IEC 17025:1999.
As part of "NAFTAGAS-Tehnicki servisi" d.o.o. Zrenjanin, the Calibration Laboratory was accredited by the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) as per the standard SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2006, for the calibration of temperature measuring devices and pressure measuring devices.
The Laboratory applies methods defined by the following standards and directives:
- Calibration of pressure gages, pressure vacuum meters and pressure-to-electricity transducer according to standard DKD-R 6-1 (Ed. 01/2003) and instructions UP-42.03.05-001: Calibration of pressure gages, vacuum meters and pressure vacuum meters with flexible measuring element and UP-42.03.05-002: Calibration of digital (electrical) vacuum meters, pressure vacuum meters or pressure gages and pressure-to-electricity transducers.
- Calibration of resistance thermometers as per standard DKD-R 5-1:2003 and instruction UP-42.03.05-003: Calibration of resistance thermometers.
- Calibration of thermocouples according to standard EUROMET /cg-08/v.01 and instruction UP-42.03.05-007: Calibration of thermocouples.
- Calibration of pressure gage thermometers according to NIST 250-23 and instruction UP-42.03.05-004: Calibration of pressure gage thermometers.
- Calibration of bimetal thermometers according to NIST 250-23 and instruction UP-42.03.05-005: Calibration of bimetal thermometers.
- Calibration of glass thermometers according to instruction UP-42.03.05-006: Calibration of liquid-filled glass thermometers.
The Laboratory management ensures availability of competent staff for the equipment handling, calibration, evaluation of results and signing of the testing reports. The staff competency is based on the appropriate training, courses, experience and proven skills.
An important element of staff training are interlaboratory comparisons and cooperation with educational, scientific and other institutions specializing particularly in metrology, logistics and quality assurance, thus giving the opportunity to the Laboratory staff to significantly develop their knowledge and skills.
The Laboratory has ensured, in accordance with standard SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2006, traceability of its calibrating devices and auxiliary measuring devices to the International System of Units (SI) through a continuous chain of calibration / comparisons, linking them to the corresponding primary measuring standards of SI units of measurement.
Measuring devices subject to calibration are handled in such a way as to ensure the prevention of damage, loss or defect during calibration. The Laboratory has a measuring device identification system that prevents physical mixing up of devices or their records as an integral part of the above described procedure.
After the calibration, the measuring devices are kept in the at-hand storage space in the laboratory with an appropriate microclimate that is usually required by the manufacturers of measuring devices. If special storage conditions are required, they are provided upon customer's request.
The Laboratory monitors the validity of obtained calibration results by keeping records of measuring devices.
Trust in calibration quality is ensured by:
- proper use of calibrated equipment,
- participation in interlaboratory comparisons,
- repeated calibration depending on a calibration method,
- training courses and skill tests.
- participation in PT schemes
All conducted calibrations are entered in the technical records kept in the Laboratory archive. The records are used as a data source for statistical follow-up and review of results.