Inspection body
The activity of the Control body is testing and controlling values determined by the scope of accreditation. Our company is accredited as a Control body by the Accreditation Body of Serbia (accreditation number 06-111) for both regular and intermittent control.
NAFTAGAS - Technical Services' type "C" controlling body is accredited by the Accreditation Body of Serbia and fulfills the requirements of SRPS ISO17020: 2012. It is authorized by the Ministry of Economy and the Department for Measures and Precious Metals.
The control body may control and verify:
• Devices for measuring the volume of liquid fuels of petroleum origin, maximum flow Q_max = 200l/min
• Devices for measuring the volume of autogas, maximum flow Q_max = 50 l/min
• Measures and measuring systems for continuous and dynamic measurement of the amount of non-water liquids, maximum flow Q_max = 5000 l/min
All tests are performed:
• Fast and reliable
• In accordance with the standard
• Using company's own equipment
• On-site
• Under operating conditions